Solicitud y Acuerdo del Estudiante
Educación vial y pruebas de licencia aprobadas por el DOL de Washington
Solicitud de estudiante
& Acuerdo
Educación vial y pruebas de licencia aprobadas por el DOL de Washington
I would like to apply to the Go WMST Drive Traffic Safety Program. I am willing to commit the necessary time and effort to fulfill the requirements of this course. I understand that the driver’s training is licensed and directed by Washington State Department of Licensing and is subject to the following requirements:
Code of Conduct – WMST is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment by promoting responsible citizenship and academic excellence. Failure to uphold these standards will result in dismissal.
• Respect – Students are expected to treat one another with respect, regardless of age, race, nationality, sexual orientation, or economic status and show proper respect for school property, facilities, cars and equipment.
• Integrity – All students and instructors are expected to demonstrate honesty and integrity in all interactions.
• Responsiveness – Students are expected to actively participate in both classroom and driving experiences, as well as engage with their instructors and peers. There is a no phones/electronics policy in both settings, outside of what is required for a given lesson. Students being disruptive or distracting from teaching, or interfering with the learning of their peers, will be asked to leave. Taking notes and studying for tests outside of class is necessary to be successful.
• Safe Learning Environment – WMST is committed to a violence-free, safe learning environment. In addition to physical abuse, there is a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, verbal abuse, discrimination, teasing and bullying, whether in person or electronic, both in and out of class.
Online Learning Standards – Given the high-risk nature of teen driving, WMST is committed to upholding the academic standards outlined above in an online environment. Failure to uphold these standards will result in dismissal.
• Students & parents are ultimately responsible for their learning and must apply themselves in the online environment as they would in person. Though WMST instructors will do their utmost to keep students engaged, the only one that can control their learning experience is the student. The student’s failure to engage will not be accepted as an excuse for not passing all required learning objectives.
•Students & parents are responsible for a conducive learning environment, including adequate computer, internet and freedom from distraction. Students and parents should not assume that online sessions can be attended from any location from any device, but instead treat attendance as any higher learning classroom.
• Students must have their cameras on during all class sessions with their registered name displayed unless prior permission is received from the instructor.
• Given the nature of the online environment, attendance will be enforced rigorously, and it is the student’s responsibility to make sure they are marked present. Attendance will be taken in a number of ways, including answering questions, responding to chat, surveys or other online queries and verbal/visual rollcall.
• Inappropriate, distracting or off-topic behavior, including what is shared on camera, in the background, on screen or in chat, will not be tolerated. Students should only share their own work, not content generated by AI.
Enrollment (WAC 308.108.120)
• Student must be 15 años by the first class (student cannot enroll after the third day of class).
• There is a $25 administration fee for cancelling after the second class for the cost of registering with the State.
• Refunds cannot be granted for self-dropping after 3 class sessions, suspension, expulsion, dismissal or failing the class for any reason.
• All instruction must be completado dentro de 30 – 120 días of the first-class session.
• Go WMST Drive students that must repeat the course are eligible for a 25% discount.
Classroom Requirements (WAC 308.108.150)
• 30 horas de aula tiempo ofrecido en incrementos de 2 horas, según lo programado en el sitio web.
• Students can only miss 3 classes, but must make up the same class session eso se perdió. The entire course must be repeated if the student misses more than 3 sessions or does not make up the classes missed within 120 days of the first-class session.
• Students that miss a class must contact dentro de una semana de ausencia para reprogramar el maquillaje.
• There is gratis if the student can make-up the same session that was missed in a regularly scheduled class within 120 days de su clase inicial.
• If a student must book an individual make-up class session or prefers a one-on-one session, there is a $100 fee for the cost of the instructor. Students that have missed the same session puede dividir la tarifa del instructor con otro estudiante que ha faltado a la misma sesión.
• Missing more than 10 minutes of classroom instruction time will count as an absence, including being tardy, returning late from break or leaving early.
• Students must receive an 80% on a final drivers ed written exam given in class session 15. Students that fail must attend a make-up test session at a cost of $25 per session. Students can schedule a make-up session by emailing (WAC 308.108.170).
Drives (WAC 308.108.160)
• Student must complete 6 (1) hour Behind The Wheel (BTW) drives and 1 (1) hour observation.
• Student must have their permit before the first drive:
o Those under 18, but no younger than 15, need to be registered in a WMST drivers ed class prior to getting your permit.
o In order to obtain a permit, the student deberá solicitar su número de identificación del estado de WA en línea at by selecting the “apply online” link. After completing registration, call or email with the student’s ID number which will start with WDL.
o WMST will send an electronic waiver using the student’s new ID number to the DOL that then allows the student to get their permit a DOL office no sooner than 10 days prior to the first-class session.
• sin unidades se puede completar prior to class 3.
• Las unidades deben cancelarse con 24 horas de anticipación. online or by emailing, otherwise a $50 fee for the cost of the instructor se aplica para la recuperación y debe pagarse antes de programar viajes posteriores.
• Una tardanza de más de 5 minutos para su unidad BTW will be a cancellation and the cancellation rule will apply.
• A tardy of more than 5 minutes for your observation will result in $25 rescheduling fee.
• No tener su permiso o anteojos/lentes de contacto requeridos con usted para su unidad BTW se manejará como una cancelación y se aplicará la regla de cancelación.
• Student must receive an 80% on a final drivers ed skills test given on drive number 5 and/or 6. Students that do not pass the skills test in drives 5 or 6 may retake a failed skills test by contacting, a $50 fee will be charged for the cost of the instructor (WAC 308.108.170).
• Students needing additional drives to pass the required skills will need to pay $50 per hour for each BTW lesson para cubrir el costo del instructor.
Intermediate License (RCW 46.20.075)
• A 16-year-old can attain an intermediate driver’s license after completing driver’s education, having a permit for a minimum of six months, have passed the DOL knowledge & behind the wheel test and have had at least 50 hours of additional supervised driving experience, 10 of which must have been at night.
• An intermediate license is required for a minimum of 12 months for those under 18 years of age.
• Intermediate license does not allow passengers for six months, other than immediate family or someone licensed for five years. After six months, a maximum of three passengers are allowed.
• Intermediate license cannot operate a vehicle between 1am – 5am unless supervised by someone that has been licensed for 5 years and is over 25 years of age.
• No wireless devices are permitted, unless for an emergency.
• Operators with an intermediate license that receive a traffic violation or are in any collision where another party is not at fault will be subject to:
o The first incident will extend the intermediate license requirements above until age 18.
o Second incident will result in loss of license for six months or to age 18, whichever is less.
o Third incident will result in loss of license until age 18.
Miscellaneous Fees – Additional fees may include (WAC 308.108.120):
• Washington State DOL application and licensing fees.
• WMST fee for DOL knowledge test (80% required on a 40 multiple choice question test).
• WMST fee for DOL behind the wheel test (80% required).
Please email for extraordinary circumstances. Further State requirements are available at www.DOL.WA.Gov
He leído y acepto cumplir con las políticas y los requisitos establecidos anteriormente y doy mi consentimiento total para que mi hijo/hija se inscriba en Go WMST Drive. doy fe de que tengo received the intermediate license restrictions & penalties above. Furthermore, I commit to a minimum of 50 hours of supervised behind-the-wheel practice, including 10 nighttime hours.