Silverdale Apex Airpark Range
Silverdale Apex Airpark Motorcycle Training Range
の シルバーデール Range is located at 6172 Apex Rd. NW, Silverdale WA 98383 at the top of 頂点 空港通り
The Classroom is located at Destination Harley-Davidson, Silverdale about 1.5 miles away.
- 乾燥した場所のため、コースに水を持参してください
- 15分前に到着
- Use only the trash can marked WMST at the site. Do not place your trash in the residents' trash cans.
- 必要なライディングギアがすべて揃っていることを確認してください
- 自分のバイクに乗っている場合は、練習場の近くに駐車し、インストラクターまたは試験官に会ってください。登録証と保険証をご用意ください。
Apex Airpark is Private Property
The WMST Silverdale Range is available for use only during scheduled WMST training and testing.
Absolutely no trespassing to practice or ride is permitted at Apex Airpark.

Driving Directions to the WMST Range from the WMST Classroom at Destination Harley-Davidson:
Head North on Provost Rd toward Anderson Hill Rd. – 0.2 miles
Turn Left on Anderson Hill Rd – 0.6 miles
Turn left on Apex Airport Rd. – 0.8 miles
Freeway Directions to the Range fom the North:
1. Take the シルバーデール exit off of Hwy 3
2. Turn right at the top of the exit
3. Turn right at the light onto Greaves Rd
4. Greaves Rd will turn into New Frontier Rd
5. Turn right at the light onto Anderson Hill Rd
6. About 1/2 mile turn left to 頂点 Airpark Rd
7. Follow 頂点 Airpark Rd to the top of the hill to the classroom/range area.
8. Park outside the gate on the grass to the right of the road.
Freeway Directions to the Rnage from the South:
1. Take the Newberry Hill exit off of Hwy 3
2. Turn left at the end of the exit ramp
3. Drive under the freeway, across the railroad tracks
4. Turn right on Provost Rd. and go past the Harley Davidson Dealership
5. Turn left at the light onto Anderson Hill Rd 6. About 1/2 mile turn left onto 頂点 Airport Rd
7. Follow 頂点 Airport Rd から丘の上にある教室/練習場エリアまで。
Range Address:
6172 アペックス エアポート ロード
ワシントン州シルバーデール 98383