


$ 150 3時間のトレーニング
  • バイク制御の基本
  • バイクの基本的な操作を理解する
  • バイクの取り扱い
  • Permit クラスの信頼度
This summer and fall I did the Kickstart class, Permit, then right to Endorsement class. I had Greg Hamblen, and Cyndi Martin. They were both really great. Great information, while keeping it light, engaging, and fun.

キックスタート |真の初心者二輪バイク安全コース

Little To No Motorcycle Experience

If you have never ridden a motorcycle or have had little experience riding the KickStart は、オートバイの入門コースです。 that will give you the very basics of motorcycle controls and operation. This low stress 3 hour course will get you ready to advance to the beginner permit course with confidence.  The only pre-requisite is that you know how to ride a bicycle.  Kickstart riders must be able to show the ability to balance on two wheels.  Riders that can not demonstrate good balance and coordination may not be able to complete the course for their own safety. 


This introductory course is designed for novice riders to learn the バイクの制御と操作の基礎 in a low stress environment.   The KickStart course will give new riders the confidence and foundation they need to attend the 初心者二輪免許コース。

Come prepared to ride in the KickStart with the required riding safety gear:
  • DOT規格を満たすヘルメット 
  • 破れ、裂け目、穴のないロングジーンズまたは厚手のパンツ
  • 天候に適した長袖シャツまたはジャケット
  • メガネ、サングラス、安全メガネ、ゴーグルなどの目の保護具
  • Sturdy boots that cover the ankle with no more than a 1-inch heel.  No canvas high tops or boots with an elastic ankle covering.  Riding boots must be sturdy and provide a high level of abrasion protection for the foot and ankle.  
  • Gloves that are well fitting and cover the entire hand such as mechanic or motorcycle riding gloves that provide abrasion protection, grip and the ability to operate hand controls.  No bulky or snow gloves. 

In compliance with strict DOL requirements, you will not be able to ride without the above required riding gear.  Arriving without the required riding gear is a forfeit of your tuition.  

からコースの確認メールが届きます Motorcycle@GoWMST.com 登録直後に。 この確認書にはコースに関する重要な情報が含まれています。必ず見つけて注意深く確認してください。



